Everybody's National Parks | Podcasts
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Explore first-hand, experiences and insights into the amazing National Parks around the United States. Whether you are experienced adventurers or first-time newcombers, we cover everything from the basics to the must-know-spots to family-friendly activities.

  • ENP 15.5 Saguaro: Ancestral Roots, Tradition, and Pride
    Join Danielle and Park Ranger Tina Andrew on a journey into the native ancestry of Saguaro National Park. Tina Andrew is a member of the Tohono O’odham Nation, hosts the podcast “Cultivating Indigenous Voices,” and serves as an ancestral park ranger who works to connect youth and the community to the native roots of Saguaro National Park.

  • ENP 15.4 Saguaro: Symbol of the American West
    Join Bryan and Park Ranger Jeff Walner on an adventure into the wild history and culture within Saguaro National Park in Tucson, Arizona. As the only full-time, year-round ranger in Saguaro National Park, Jeff shares his insight into the origins of Saguaro National Park, its history, and its inextricable and enduring connection to American culture, Hollywood, and the world.

  • ENP 15.3 Saguaro: Changing Biodiversity and Tips From a Park Ranger 
    Don Swann, a biologist who has worked at Saguaro National Park for over twenty years, joins Danielle to discuss the evolution of the biodiversity within Saguaro National Park. They discuss how the environment and biodiversity has changed within the national park overtime and how he both teaches and engages the community to investigate change with him as citizen scientists.

  • ENP 15.2 Saguaro: Diversity in Nature and Community
    Danielle chats with Saguaro National Park’s Community Engagement Coordinator Cam Juarez about the desert’s spectacular beauty and what he’s doing to ensure that Saguaro’s worldwide popularity has strong roots in the multicultural communities that surround it.

  • ENP 15.1 Saguaro: Trip Report
    A record-breaking snowstorm with whiteout conditions forces Danielle, Bryan, and the girls to ditch plans to visit the Petrified Forestin northern Arizona in favor of an impromptu visit to the Sonoran Desert — and Saguaro National Park, located in southern Arizona.
